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EXIN ITIL V3 Foundation Exam - USA, Canada 1111601

EXIN ITIL V3 Foundation Exam - USA, Canada 1111601

EXIN ITIL V3 Foundation Exam - USA, Canada Publisher's Description

Globally recognized Foundation Certificate in ITIL ITIL V3 Foundation EXAM (EXIN) (USA & Canada Residents only)


ULTIMATE ITIL Foundation BUNDLE The Official EXIN ITIL Foundation EXAM

A lot of work has gone in to making the ITIL Foundation exam available at your own computer. Now you can take the official EXIN ITIL Foundation exam and get an instant result.

Yes - this is the fully accredited EXIN ITIL Foundation exam, now available at your own computer.


The ITIL Foundation Exam


There are some basic administration requirements to go through (for both the participant and exam supervisor). Once complete you will be issued with a user name and password. You then login and take the test. You can review your answers before you submit them for instant marking. Within seconds you will have your result.


Pass the online exam and you'll receive your official ITIL Foundation certificate and badge.


Make the purchase and you will receive forms with complete instructions.


Who is EXIN?

EXIN, the Examination Institute for Information Science, is a global, independent IT examination provider. EXIN establishes educational requirements, and develops and organizes examinations in the field of Information Technology. The goal of EXIN is to guarantee the quality of the ICT sector and the ICT professionals working in this sector by means of independent testing and certification.

Worldwide and independent

As a global provider of IT examinations, EXIN has already certified more than 300.000 professionals in IT, worldwide. Thanks to more than 40 years of experience, EXIN has acquired a thorough and extensive knowledge in the field of IT certification. Fully warranting the quality of the various examinations, both didactically and with respect to content. Partnerships with international agents and authorized examination centers enhance the accessibility of EXIN's popular and highly successful examinations. EXIN offers candidates the opportunity to take examinations at a time and place of their choice. In organizing examinations, EXIN makes use of high quality, web-based technology.

As EXIN is an independent examination institute - EXIN does not give courses itself, and is not attached to any institute - the examination results are judged objectively. No matter where students have taken their courses, the exam is the same for all and marking is fair and professional.

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